
Waikanae Football 2021 AGM Highlights

Waikanae Football held its Annual General Meeting on 29 November at the Clubrooms on Te Moana Road.  The meeting was well attended by a number of Club members.  Features of the meeting included reports from the President, Senior and Junior Convenors, an amendment to the constitution, an update from Kapiti Coast District Council on new Clubrooms for Waikanae Football, the Financial Report from the Treasurer and election of officers to the executive and committee members.

Alison Law from Kapiti Coast District Council, who has been working with committee members Tom Engelen and Chris Story, presented draft plans of changing facilities and clubrooms to be built as part of the redevelopment of Otaraua Park.  The aim is to have the facilities in use for the 2023 season and when it comes to fruition would give the Club its first dedicated clubrooms facility.

Treasurer Manson Jenkins presented a financial report showing the Club had made a modest profit in 2021.  Changes to the Constitution required by IRD were presented and approved concerning the financial review of the Club’s accounts.

Existing officers re-elected unopposed were Charlie Sturman (President) and Manson Jenkins (both Secretary and Treasurer roles).  Dave Hardy stepped down from the Vice-President’s role and Adam Price was nominated and elected unopposed as Vice President. Rachel Southin and Graeme Goulden have stepped down from their Junior & Senior Convenor roles but were re-elected to the Club’s committee. The Club thanks Dave Hardy for his contribution to the committee and his achievement of getting the lights at Jim Cooke Park fixed.

Dawn Sturman, Tom Engelen and Chris Story were re-elected unopposed to the Committee.  It was especially pleasing to see a number of members from the Club’s playing ranks put up their hands for committee membership.  Also nominated and elected on to the committee were: Tobi Cerhak, Ryan Leyten, Rory McGrath, Brett Morgan and Jayden Reading.

Vacancies on the executive of the committee that remain to be filled are both the Junior and Senior Convenor roles and the role of Secretary that would enable Manson Jenkins to fulfil the Treasurer role unencumbered.

The Club thanked its sponsors and those committee and other members whose work behind the scenes enables the Club to operate successfully. Tom Engelen and Chris Story were thanked for their work with KCDC on the proposed Clubrooms.  Dawn Sturman and Mary Jenkins were thanked for post-match preparation of food at the Clubrooms and other events, as were the other office holders of the Club for their dedication to their roles.